Our Fearless Leader
This is Honey Simmons, she is our CEO and the best person you could ever meet in your lifetime of lifetimes. She will talk to you about animals, plants, wrestling, and random facts til she is blue in the face. (Which would look kind of neat since her hair is already turquoise!) Honey is an East Literature Magnet School Alum and went to Tennessee State University for Animal Science. (GO BIG BLUE!!!) Her love for animals and children are unmatched mostly because she hasn't found someone to match her type of crazy yet. Her zeal for life has been poured into the company and she couldn't be happier. Ms. Simmons promises to make your event so memorable and unique, that your guests will speak of it for years to come. If you ever see her out and about (usually with a snake or lizard hanging out in her hair!), please do not hesitate to come up and say hi! (She loves pictures too!)